Abstract Modern day designers adding value to the works done, by adapting the techniques to the rapid change of contemporary world and shaping the new era with research upon ‘advanced architecture & design’. Regarding the academic and personal interests of the designer Zeynep Birgonul; the seminar mainly focuses on the research and digital fabrication examples that have been developed during her masters and doctorate studies. The projects are selected by the criteria defined by the terms, introduced by Jeremy Rifkin, ‘3rd Industrial Revolution’ and by Klaus Schwab ‘4th Industrial Revolution’. Taking the reference from this sequence of advancing industrial & digital progression, the design and architectural research have evolved more and more interdisciplinary and became an inseparable concept of new materials; the new design thinking, form & function and digital production technologies. At last but not the least, introducing the on-going Ph.D. project; ‘Symbiotic Data Platform’ gives a glimpse to the doctoral research, which includes Building Information Modeling, Physical Computing (also known as Internet of Things), interaction, experience design, data mining, sensor technologies, modeling and simulation. The platform uses computation in architecture and to optimize the satisfaction, comfort level, energy efficiency and the ambient quality of the space, by ‘taking benefit of the existing digital data model of the building’ and combining this information with ‘real-time data’ to create human-machine interaction for comfort optimization.